
Prolapse? AVOID these things..

Want to know what to Avoid when you have a prolapse? Watch this.

Pelvic floor muscle exercises are key to managing pelvic organ prolapse symptoms. We know that if you do them three times a day for 3 to 5 months resolves symptoms: your pelvic floor will begin to effectively support your pelvic organs and you’ll no longer have those uncomfortable, bothersome symptoms. The following five main lifestyle factors have also been found to aggravate prolapse symptoms by increasing the pressure in your abdomen. Follow the lifestyle advice guidance below to reduce your risk of prolapses returning.

• Constipation

Constipation is usually caused by dehydration and not enough fibre in your diet. Try to avoid this by ensuring that you eat the recommended ten portions of fruit and vegetables each day. Straining to empty your bowel can make your prolapse worse, so make sure that you adopt the correct position when opening your bowels, and use diaphragmatic breathing as your only...

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