
How to do pelvic floor muscle exercises

Firstly… No, you don’t have to get on the floor. Click here to Watch How.

And secondly, yes. They are that good. We know that up to 97% of women who do pelvic floor exercises three times a day (to the point of fatigue, not just a wiggle) for 3-5 months will have a COMPLETE RESOLUTION of their Incontinence or Prolapse symptoms.

Compelling, eh? It’s free as well..

So what are you waiting for? Time to get exercising that pelvic floor!

Before we begin, here’s a little disclaimer – it’s important to get a thorough examination from a qualified pelvic health physiotherapist or your doctor. Not all pelvic floor problems are solved by doing pelvic floor exercises – if you have pelvic pain or a tight muscle doing exercises can make things feel worse. Get checked first folks!

How to do the exercises:

Pull in your back passage as if to stop from breaking wind, imagining your anus moving upwards and forwards towards your pubic bone. Although...

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